Truman & Marshall Scholarships: Information Session for Prospective Candidates

Panel: Josh Stanton (Head of Strategic Communications and Public Diplomacy – British Embassy), Haley Addison (Manager – MACC), Megan Friddle (President – NAFA), Dr Terry Babcock (Truman – Executive Secretary), Tara Yglesias (Truman – Deputy Executive Secretary).

Looking for post-graduate opportunities? Interested in finding ways to help make your academic and professional dreams a reality? Please join us for a special virtual information session, where prospective candidates can hear from representatives about the incredible opportunities offered by the nationally-renowned Truman and Marshall Scholarships.

Created by Congress in 1975, the Truman Scholarship provides funding and support to aspiring leaders pursuing careers in public service. Over 3,500 Truman Scholars have gone on to successful careers in public service, serving in government and the military, transforming non-profits, and organizing for change in local communities. The British Government-funded Marshall Scholarship allows up to 50 high-achieving American undergraduates each year to pursue fully-funded graduate study at any university in the UK in any academic topic. With multiple degree options and funded research and travel opportunities within the United Kingdom, the Marshall Scholarship provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure a postgraduate degree at one of the UK’s world-renowned academic institutions. Representatives from both scholarships will shed light on the benefits offered by both scholarships and offer tips on navigating the application process.

Post-Graduate National Scholarships

Date: 17th April 2024

Time: 1pm-2pm CT

Sign up link: