Past Events

Past Events

It’s all about communication: how bacteria coordinate their life cycles

Amy's Styling Event with a Longer Title - Past 2021

It’s all about communication: how bacteria coordinate their life cycles (Copy)

Amy's Styling Event with a Longer Title - Past 2022

External Event Title

Waterscapes of the Late Archaic Lower Mississippi Valley (Copy)

Grace Ward, Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis
McMillan Hall G052, Danforth Campus

Event - Direct Link

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Lego Land

Public Lecture: Rewriting the Creation Story for the Earth and Moon

Physics Theory Seminar with François Foucart (Copy)

François Foucart (Hosted by Haber) from University of New Hampshire will be presenting the seminar
Compton 241 | Coffee: 2:45 pm Q&A with students & postdocs: 2:15pm in Compton 241

Physics Theory Seminar with François Foucart

François Foucart (Hosted by Haber) from University of New Hampshire will be presenting the seminar
Compton 241 | Coffee: 2:45 pm Q&A with students & postdocs: 2:15pm in Compton 241

Event with all fields filled in

Sarah Stewart, Professor at the University of California, Davis, will present the 2023 McDonnell Distinguished Lectures.
Crow Hall, Room 201 | additional location information

Amy's Anthropology Event (Copy) (Copy)

Amy's Anthropology Event (Copy)

Biology Bonanza: Exploring Ecosystems and Biodiversity's Bounty

Physics Theory Seminar with François Foucart

François Foucart (Hosted by Haber) from University of New Hampshire will be presenting the seminar
Compton 241 | Q&A with students & postdocs

Chemistry Event Direct Link

Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University Online Information Session

In this session, an admission officer provides an overview of Knight-Hennessy Scholars, the admission process, and the application via Zoom. The session includes a presentation, and a Knight-Hennessy scholar(s) may join to share their experience.
via Zoom

Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University Online Application Workshop

In this session, an admission officer will walk prospective students through the application form for Knight-Hennessy Scholars, highlighting application requirements and sharing tips for how to navigate the admission process. These sessions are primarily intended for those who seek to apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars this year.
via Zoom

McCall MacBain at McGill University Online Info Session

Join this one-hour information session, which includes a short presentation followed by time for Q&A.
via Zoom

Schwarzman Scholars Online Application Walk-Through

Join members of the Admissions team in a live walk-through of the U.S./Global online application. In addition to reviewing submission requirements, we will talk through any questions you may have about the application.
via Zoom

Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship Online Q&A Session

Join the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships staff for a 30-minute virtual informational session webinar held over Zoom. The PD Soros staff will go over the basics of the Fellowship.
via Zoom

Goldwater Scholarship at WashU Info Session

Join Dean Taylor, Arts & Sciences Fellowships Advisor, for a 30-minute virtual information session to review the Goldwater process at WashU, including pre-application, endorsement, and nomination. Registration required.
via Zoom

Truman Scholarship at WashU Info Session

Join Dean Taylor, Arts & Sciences Fellowships Advisor, for a 30-minute virtual information session on the Truman Scholarship endorsement process at WashU. Registration required.
via Zoom

Barry Goldwater Scholarship Weekly Open Houses

Goldwater is the premier award for undergraduates preparing for careers in engineering, math, and the natural sciences. Applicants are evaluated based on outstanding academic performance and potential for research-focused careers.
via Zoom